Narcissism is a mental disorder in which a person believes he is extremely important, requires constant attention, and lacks empathy for others.
Those that suffer from this illness are selfish and will not hesitate to take advantage of others in order to obtain their goals.
A narcissist may appear confident from the outside, despite the fact that his psyche is frail and cannot handle criticism.
So, what if persons with this narcissistic disorder start a family?
Children with narcissistic parents, according to, can experience emotional and psychological stress that can last throughout adulthood.
The impacts of narcissistic parenting will vary depending on a number of factors, including the parents' level of narcissism and whether both parents are narcissistic.
See the explanation below to learn more about the effects of narcissistic parenting on children.
Parenting in a narcissistic manner
Narcissistic parents can emotionally abuse their children.
The reason for this is because people with narcissistic disorder are prone to harsh criticism and defensive behavior.
As a result, they are unable to form good bonds with anyone, including their children.
Their children's emotional needs will not be satisfied, and a narcissist will not be concerned.
Because narcissists are prone to prioritizing their own wants over those of others, which has become their character trait.
Narcissistic parents have high expectations of their children and want to be respected and loved at all times, yet they do not treat their children in the same way.
Then, according to a Psychology Today article, children with narcissistic parents are often taught that their feelings are unimportant.
Children are unable to establish a sense of self as a result.
Children are not permitted to outperform their parents, nor are they permitted to shame their family.
Then there are certain narcissists who are "hot and cold."
That example, he will chastise and yell at his child at times, yet praise him at other times.
This will cause the youngster to grow up feeling befuddled, unwanted, judged, and uneasy at home.
Not only that, but narcissists are self-conscious about their appearance and will have high expectations for their children in this area.
Even the most narcissistic parent will deny that he is harming his child.
Even though their children dislike them, they believe they are the best parents.
Parents like these are also less likely to listen to their children's anxieties and concerns, thereby impacting their mental health.
What is the outcome?
Children of narcissistic parents will suffer emotional and psychological wounds as a result of their parents' lack of empathy.
Children's emotional development will be harmed as a result of parents who prioritize themselves.
As a result, these children will spend their adult lives looking for a sense of security.
These children's self-esteem is likewise low. Indeed, many of them have struggled with depression and anxiety disorders from infancy.
Because they don't know how to handle emotions in a healthy way, these youngsters will grow up to be people-pleasers (always trying to please others) and need emotional affirmation.
Of course, the more emotional abuse a youngster endures, the more serious the trauma's long-term ramifications will be.
This will also be a concern since these children may become caught in insecure behavior as a result of earlier experiences.
Then, in terms of employment and relationships, these youngsters usually grow up to be persons who regularly doubt themselves and are overly reliant on others.
It's impossible to undo the damage that narcissistic parents cause their children.
In fact, these children are at risk of developing PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or becoming locked in unstable relationships with narcissistic partners.
These children can sometimes grow up to be narcissistic adults.
However, it is not uncommon for these youngsters to develop coping mechanisms as adults.
For instance, by avoiding intimacy and blaming yourself for other people's negative behavior.
There are also others who are saddened by memories of their childhood.
It is still debatable whether or not narcissism can be healed. It is possible, though, to interrupt the cycle.
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